Frequently Asked Questions
How does the library work?
The Ballarat Tool Library is a not-for-profit and operates on annual memberships.
Members must be over the age of 18 and live in Ballarat or surrounding areas. By becoming a member you can use the library as little or as much as you like. You can browse the library inventory and reserve the things you want to borrow online, then just come into our library to collect your goodies during our opening hours.
After you’re done using the tools, return them so the rest of the community can enjoy them too. Simple as!
What do I need to apply for membership?
You will need to complete the application for membership here. As part of this process you will need to read and agree to a few documents, and we’ll need to see a photo ID and proof of current address.
You must also have a credit or debit card as we require payment online as well as a card to be held securely on file in order to make reservations. Your credit cards are encrypted. All details are held securely within the system.
How much is membership?
$33 concession membership per year
$55 individual membership per year
$77 for couple membership per year
Once you have signed up and paid, you can borrow as many tools as you like for the next 12 months! There are no additional charges.
How long can I borrow tools for?
One week is the typical length of time you may borrow a tool for. However, you can ask for a longer loan period and if it’s not a frequently borrowed tool we may be able to accomodate that. You may also extend loans by a week by emailing us the tool number/s before the item is due at Please note that extensions aren’t always possible if someone has reserved the item next or during peak periods. This is to ensure everyone equal access to equipment.
What tools do you have available?
Find out what tools we have available here! Our library is constantly growing and changing as we get more donations and invest our membership fees into new tools. If we don’t have something you want let us know and we can add it to our most wanted tool list.
Can my partner/housemate/friend use tools I borrow?
No, sorry. If anything happens to anyone using tools borrowed under your name, you are potentially liable. If you are a couple we would encourage you to support us by taking out a couple membership.
What happens if I break a tool?
Firstly - please let us know the details ASAP. This allows us to quickly get the tool back in action, and helps ensure we’re not lending out broken tools.
Secondly - don’t sweat it! Our tools get a lot of use - they may break from time to time. There may be a small repair or replacement cost but we’ll actively try and avoid any cost to you where possible. Just let us know so we can get the tool in working order again. We don’t want to be loaning out broken tools and we will frown a lot if we find out ourselves that a tool is broken when we do our check before loaning them out again. Honesty is always the best policy.
Will you be running future workshops/classes/events?
Yes, we currently run monthly workshops on everything from plumbing to painting. Check out the workshops page or sign up to the newsletter to find out what we have available.
If you’d like to volunteer to offer your skills in helping us run workshops/classes or events we’d love to hear from you!
The librarian says I owe money for a fine! Why?
We charge a small late fee for overdue returns to incentivise people to bring tools back on time and keep them in circulation. If you can’t return a tool on time, we can help – check out the question above about how long you can borrow tools for.
Hand tools - $1 per day*
Power tools - $5 per day*
*Late fees will be charged for each day we’re open (currently Tuesday and Saturday = two charges per week)
Can I pay my fine next time? What happens if I can’t afford to pay my fine?
Late fees aren’t income, they’re incentive to keep our tools circulating, which keeps our community happy. We’re flexible with fine repayment, so come in and talk to our friendly library volunteers to work something out. Also, remember that we’re a non-profit volunteer group. Any money from fines goes back into the organisation. Please note, that consistent late returns may result in restricted borrowing privileges. Be cool, and remember that all members need to have access to our tools.
Do you have consumables / spare parts for each tool? (e.g. sanding paper, cutting disks, whipper-snipper cord, etc.)
Sometimes! You may need to buy them yourself, however our excellent members often donate spare consumables when they return loaned tools so we will have a “Shared Consumables” section for you to browse. This system works brilliantly when people pay it forward so if you have leftover screws/bolts/consumables from your project feel free to donate them when you return your borrowed tools!
Are the tools safe to use?
All our electrical goods are regularly tested and tagged, and our volunteers work weekly to clean, repair, and maintain our tools. But we cannot guarantee that tools will always be safe to use.
We do rely on you, our members to:
Know what you’re doing when you use a tool and wear appropriate safety gear. Our librarians are happy to offer advice and direct you to resources, but we’re not experts in every tool.
Let us know if a tool isn’t operating properly, or if you’re unsure of how to use it safely. If unsure, please stop using the tool and let us know ASAP - we won’t blame you for anything that’s happened while in normal use, and your safety takes precedence over project completion.
Are there any instructions for the tools?
Sometimes! Our tools vary greatly in age and origin, so it’s not always possible for us to maintain comprehensive instructions for them. Some of the tools will have a link to a manual in the tool description. Our librarians will also be happy to direct you towards internet resources when they can, and if you do happen to find an amazing manual/video for the tool you’ve borrowed, please let us know! We can add it to our tool description for future borrowers.
How do I volunteer?
We’re always looking for volunteers and are very happy to work with you to find the perfect role for you. Find out more here.
How does the tool library contribute to sustainability?
Many people buy tools for a specific project and then once they’re finished let them sit in the shed gathering dust. Many of the tools in our library are pre-loved, donated tools that we’ve saved from just sitting around. Some of our donated tools we’ve saved from going to landfill as they were loved a little bit too much and required a little TLC and repair. And some of our tools are brand new. Either way, by joining and supporting the tool library you’re contributing to create a shared economy and reduce consumerism and our throw away culture.
Wait, I have more questions!
No problems! Get in contact with us here and one of our volunteers will respond ASAP.